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ITWORKS: 7 steps to take if you’ve been laid off (step 6)

(Reading time: 1:30)

You’re looking for a new job and need expert advice on how to handle a job search and your finances. Congratulations…you’re in the right place. Whether you are planning to stay in the education field, or investigate other areas of work, ITWORKS will help you focus on your next steps and energize you as you take action.

Check out Step 5 here.

Step 6. “K”: Keep up the momentum.

After some time following your new financial and job search strategies—sticking to a stricter budget, adding ten new contacts a week on LinkedIn, etc.—chances are you may get tired and be tempted to stray. It’s important to keep up your morale. Before you do anything rash, take a look at your progress: you’re spending much less than before, you’ve got a solid plan in place, and you’ve reached out to so many people. If you still need a break after taking stock of your accomplishments, here’s what to do.

Financial ‘to do’: If you’re feeling extremely restricted by your budget, give yourself a (reasonable) break once every few months. There are fun ways to make yourself feel less constricted. Maybe it’s getting that expensive ice cream you like, as a treat. Or finding a coupon for a discounted play or special event that would normally be off-limits due to its cost.

Job search ‘to do’: First, check your expectations and don’t be impatient. It’s not uncommon for it to take many months to find a new, suitable position.

If your job search tactics have been paying off and you have interviews, don’t use that as an excuse to slow down your search. Unfortunately, one interview does not guarantee the job. And remember to adhere to best practices, and follow up interviews with a thank-you note within a day or two. Include in the note a new thought on something you discussed.

Have an ‘accountability buddy’ who’s privy to your plans, and who you report to regularly. Having someone to whom you’re accountable can help you maintain the steady effort you need for a successful job search.

Take a mini vacation from your job search. Schedule a long weekend or a few days off every three months. Do something completely different, and leave the cell phone and internet behind. (Perhaps use the ‘staycation’ ideas discussed in Step 5 – Remain flexible.)



Job hunt etiquette:

And remember, at Educators Financial Group you have the support of a team of financial experts and an organization that has worked with the education community for over 45 years.

We can answer your financial questions during this challenging time. Give us a call at 1.800.263.9541 or get started online.

Ready for more? Check out Step 7 of ITWORKS: ‘Success!.
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