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Glossary of tax receipt types

Below is a list of the types of tax receipts you may receive from Educators Financial Group for use in preparing and filing your Canadian income tax return.

Tax Receipt

Purpose of Tax Receipt

Relevé 2 Retirement Income paid during a given year to a resident of Quebec on December 31st.
T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity and Other Income. Indicates how much of certain types of income was paid and the amount of income tax that was deducted.
NR4B Registered Accounts – Completed for every non-resident of Canada which was paid or credited amounts that are subject to withholding tax according to the Income Tax Act
NR4 Non-Registered Accounts – Completed for every non-resident of Canada which was paid or credited amounts that are subject to withholding tax according to the Income Tax Act
T4RSP An Information slip prepared and issued by a Financial Institution indicating how much money was withdrawn from or received from an RRSP for a given Tax Year and how much tax was deducted at source.
T4RIF A statement of income from a Registered Retirement Income Fund or a Locked in Registered Income Fund.
T3 Statement of Trust Income or Investment Income from Mutual Funds in Non-Registered accounts.
T5 Return of Investment Income in a given year. Income includes interest, dividends and certain foreign income.
ROY (Remainder of the Year) Receipt for amounts contributed to an RRSP from March-December of any given year.
202X-1 (1st 60 Days) January Receipt for amounts contributed to an RRSP for January of the stated year.
202X-1 (1st 60 Days) February Receipt for amounts contributed to an RRSP for February (or up to deadline) of the stated year.
202X-1 (1st 60 Days) March 1, 202X Receipts for items post marked on or before March 1st of the stated year.
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