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We do our homework to get you a great rate. Right up front.

We understand our members' needs—like pay grids, pensions, summer cash flow issues, and collective bargaining— better than any other financial institution. Educators will provide you with the best options and greatest flexibility to meet your needs - whether you want to pay your mortgage faster, renovate or build a home.

Today's Rates





*These are our best rates on 5-year term mortgages. Rates are subject to change, some conditions apply. Speak to a Mortgage Agent for full details.

Not sure what type of mortgage is right for you? Narrow down your options below.


Today's Rates





*These are our best rates on 5-year term mortgages. Rates are subject to change, some conditions apply. Speak to a Mortgage Agent for full details.

  • Conventional Mortgage

    Conventional Mortgage

    Do you want a predictable mortgage payment option with a low interest rate and pre-payment options? With a Conventional Mortgage your payments remain the same for the length of the term. This makes budgeting easier and avoids unwelcome surprises when interest rates fluctuate.

    Is a Conventional Mortgage right for you?

    • Competitive interest rates.
    • You avoid having default insurance being added to the mortgage.
    • Lower overall cost of borrowing.
  • High Ratio Mortgage

    High Ratio Mortgage

    For many, buying a home is an important goal. With today's high real-estate values making a large down payment is more difficult. When your down payment is less than 20% of the property's value, you may be eligible for a High-Ratio Mortgage, making the dream of buying your own home a reality.

    Is a High Ratio Mortgage right for you?

    • Enables first-time homebuyer to purchase a home with a small down payment.
    • You can start building equity in your home sooner.
  • Investment Property Mortgage

    Investment Property Mortgage

    Buying an investment property can provide you with a regular monthly stream of income, now and in retirement.

    Is an Investment Property Mortgage right for you?

    • You have a large degree of control over the investment, such as where and what you buy.
    • Enjoy a regular stream of monthly income from your rental property.
    • You may be able to use the equity in your home to finance the purchase.
  • Cash Back Mortgage

    Cash Back Mortgage

    Need some help to cover your real estate closing costs? With a Cash Back Mortgage, a percentage of the mortgage's value is rebated to you upon closing.

    Is a Cash Back Mortgage right for you?

    • You will own and occupy the house.
    • Your debt servicing ratios are tight.
    • You would like to use cash for closing costs, some new furniture, etc.
  • Reverse Mortgage

    Reverse Mortgage

    Reverse mortgages aren’t like your typical mortgages. They allow homeowners age 55 or over a way to get money from their home equity without having to sell their home or sacrifice their quality of life.

    Is a Reverse Mortgage right for you?

    • You are a Canadian homeowner age 55 or over.
    • Borrow up to 55% of the current value of your home.
    • You don’t have to make any regular loan payments or pay tax on the money you borrow.
    • Flexible withdrawal options: lump sum, in stages, at regular intervals over a set period, or a combination.
  • Collateral Mortgage

    Collateral Mortgage

    Are you looking for a flexible mortgage option that allows you to borrow additional funds without having to refinance? With a Collateral Mortgage, the mortgage is secured against the value of your property, giving you the ability to access more funds as your home equity grows.

    Is a Collateral Mortgage right for you?

    • You want easy access to extra funds, without refinancing.
    • Access up to 80% of your home’s value.
    • Borrow for renovations, large purchases, or unexpected expenses.
  • Vacation Property Mortgage

    Vacation Property Mortgage

    Imagine having a home away from home where you can escape the hustle and bustle. A Vacation Property Mortgage helps you finance a second property, providing a sanctuary for relaxation and enjoyment.

    Is a Vacation Property Mortgage right for you?

    • You want a second home for vacations.
    • You seek a long-term investment in real estate.

Today's Rates





*These are our best rates on 5-year term mortgages. Rates are subject to change, some conditions apply. Speak to a Mortgage Agent for full details.

Flexibility and options that reflect your needs

Multiple Mortgage Options

We work with numerous lenders to give education members the most flexibility with the best rates.

Amortization up to 30 Years

Reduce your monthly mortgage payments with a 30-year amortization period. Enjoy the financial flexibility that comes with lower monthly mortgage payments.

Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan


Car or home insurance renewing soon? OTIP has your back! OTIP’s brokers will find the right coverage for your unique needs at the best value.

Plus, get a $20 gift card of your choice when you get a car or home insurance quote from OTIP!*

Get a quote from OTIP!

*Restrictions apply. See details.

Learn more

Mortgage Protection

The right mortgage + the right protection = peace of mind

Congratulations. You’ve found the place you want to call home. Now that you’ve found it, you have a lot of things to consider. Getting a low rate on a mortgage that’s right for you is one … and Educators Financial Group has Mortgage Agents who have the expertise to help. Protecting your home is another. What would happen to your home, and your loved ones, in the case of an emergency? Here’s what you should know.

When it comes to insuring your home, you have a choice

Protect your investment with Mortgage Insurance. Mortgage Insurance is designed to protect you, the homeowner, and the lender in the event of your death. Its use is limited to paying off the balance of the mortgage. It is relatively simple to apply for, and coverage is quick. In most cases, once the mortgage has been approved, your insurance protection starts. Or, you may choose to add it at a later date.

Get professional advice

The type and amount of insurance you own should be part of your overall financial plan, and reflect your unique situation and goals. It’s best to talk to a Mortgage Agent about the type of protection you need.

Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan


Car or home insurance renewing soon? OTIP has your back! OTIP’s brokers will find the right coverage for your unique needs at the best value.

Plus, get a $20 gift card of your choice when you get a car or home insurance quote from OTIP!*

Get a quote from OTIP!

*Restrictions apply. See details.

Learn more

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